In Pictures: Edinburgh 257 gets a new advert

Its been another case of, event over let’s change that advert in Edinburgh as 257 sees its vinyls for the Royal Highland Show swiftly removed. Its swapped major annual events in the city as it is now advertising the Edinburgh International Book Festival which takes place in August.

As with its previous advert this is of the “original Edinburgh” style, meaning that its not a full wrap but merely sees full height adverts on two sections of the tram with the remainder just seeing vinyls applied above the windows. It’s a fairly simple advert using white as the background with a bit of added colour on the full height sections.

Although the Edinburgh Festival is no strange to advertising on the trams, this is in fact the first time that the Book Festival itself has an advert (previous ads have been for the Fringe Festival and International Festival).

257 is now up to seven adverts in its operating life: Johnnie Walker (February 2018-January 2020), Ray Harryhausen Titan of Cinema exhibition (November 2020-October 2021), Ocean Winds (October 2021-July 2022), Edinburgh Napier University (July-August 2022), Leonardo (August 2022-April 2024) and Royal Highland Show (April 2024-June 2024).

257 calls at Picardy Place heading for Newhaven with its new advert in place.

A view looking at a bit more of the advert on the tram. (Both Photographs by Roy Calderwood, 29th June 2024)

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