Blackpool Transport look for feedback into new tram timetable

Its only been running for just over two weeks but already Blackpool Transport are looking for feedback on the new timetable operating on the tramway. If you were being charitable you’d suggest that its good that they are willing to listen but when you look at the detail of the survey then you start to realise that this feedback could actually see a reduction in the service not an improvement!

Just in case you need a reminder (and it has been a hot topic of conversation ever since it was originally announced so you probably already know) but as from Sunday 16th June when the much waited for extension to Blackpool North Station opened the tramway has been operating a service which has significantly reduced frequencies from end to end. It (mainly) features a tram every 30 minutes on the direct route between Starr Gate and Fleetwood (and vice versa) as well as trams every 30 minutes on a service from Starr Gate to North Station and from Fleetwood to North Station.

The obvious issue with that has been that although there are trams every 15 minutes from each end it actually means that through workings from north to south (and also the other direction of course) have seen a major reduction to two an hour. To compound matters the timetable for southbound workings sees the trams running just five minutes apart between North Pier and Starr Gate, the leaving a 25 minute gap.

And this is the planned service. There have also been occasions when staff shortages have meant even this can’t run leading to cancellations and even bus substitution.

To try and alleviate the situation, B-fleet Balloon 718 has run some additional services calling at all the platforms. This has mainly been Starr Gate-Tower but it has also managed to run to Fleetwood on at least one occasion.

And now comes the launch of a survey from Blackpool Transport asking for feedback on the tram service being operated. This relatively basic survey asks respondents whether they are a commuter, student, travelling on business or on holiday before going into more details about what sort of journey they are taking.

It seeks to find out whether the journey goes past the extension, onto the extension or doesn’t go anywhere near the extension. And then comes three options for what can be done and it doesn’t appear that there is a positive option on the table.

The three options are:

  • 15 minute service running Starr Gate to Fleetwood with all journeys going via North Station (adding 12 minutes to all journeys)
  • 20 minute service running Starr Gate to Fleetwood with all journeys going via North Station along with a 30 minute direct service between Starr Gate and Bispham
  • Keep the current timetable

We will watch and see what comes of this feedback and whether a new timetable is introduced and if so whether it is actually improved.

718 waits in the loop at North Pier when working on specials to supplement the service. Flexity2 007 is alongside at the platform.

Boat 227 was out on heritage tours as well and is seen here with 718.

718 at the very end of the line at Starr Gate. (All Photographs by Steven Hughes, 30th June 2024)

  • Video of 718 in service along with other sights from the tramway can be viewed at courtesy of Steven Hughes Transport Videos.
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4 Responses to Blackpool Transport look for feedback into new tram timetable

  1. Geoff Currie says:

    If they want feedback they should look at the thirty odd comments about it on this site!
    I think that says it all!

  2. Matthew says:

    I think the second option is by far the best on the table, despite seeing a reduction in frequency to Fleetwood adding an extra journey per hour in the Blackpool section of the line would be a real bonus. It’s a shame BTS don’t feel they have the resources to operate the Bispham – Starr Gate service every 20 minutes as that would make it possible to run a 10 minute combined headway.

    • Harvey says:

      I disagree. I think Option 1 is probably the best in the Short Term. While not Ideal it provides an even frequency of Trams in All Directions.

      Option 2 in it’s current form is an isane idea. You’ll be left with a gap of 20 minutes without a single tram at some point within the hour.

      I do agree with your final part. It is a shame that they don’t have the Resources to run a combined frequency of every 10 mins in the core section (That would have been my Ideal option)

    • Kev says:

      matthew – all journeys an extra 12 minutes? really? That is not an option ever!

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