Around the World in Trams: Ostrava 21 & 218

Back to Ostrava again for this edition of “Around the World in Trams”.

During this October 2023 trip, John Moore was part of a charter which saw motor 21 and trailer 218 hired for a trip around the system. This included travelling around one of the depots, which is not only linked to the tramway but also the national rail network.

Both these trams are part of the museum fleet with motor 21 having been built in 1922 as a SMMD 2-axle motor car. It remained in service until 1964 when it was taken out of service and converted into what is described as a children’s tram and called Barborka. Its now part of the museum fleet and was refurbished in 2000/1.

The trailer is no. 218 which was built in 1951. It’s a KPS 2-axle trailer car which was part of the normal fleet until 1991 when it was transferred to become part of the museum fleet and is now in the red and white livery.

This photo shows the two coupled together.

Photograph by John Moore, 11th October 2023

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